As the development of LED technology continues to grow and diversify, the need for consistent and standardized testing procedures for LED has become more prevalent than ever. Light Laboratory is an Accredited testing for LM-79 (Lab Code: 200927-0).
Light Laboratory has made strides to stay current with the new testing standard LM-79 set forth by the IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America). In addition, "IN-SITU" testing is now a priority when testing our LED light systems for more reliable results.
IES LM-79 "Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products"
Approved method describing procedures and precautions in performing reproducible measurements of LEDs:
LM-79 Scope
Applies to LED-based products incorporating control electronics and heat sinks, that is, those devices that require only AC mains power or a DC voltage power supply to operate.