Light Laboratory, Inc. is an independent photometric testing laboratory that specializes in testing high end luminaries. Established in 1974, founded by Bill F. Jones, the Lab serves as the leading testing laboratory in the lighting industry and provides photometric, radiometric, electrical, thermal and life test data of the highest quality with an emphasis on customer service.
Light Laboratory's primary goal is for continuing high quality services, while at the same time modernizing the photometric facilities and increasing capabilities. That's given us the opportunity to learn a lot about our clients and their test needs. We've used that information to create a unique testing program that's simply unmatched.
Light Laboratory, Inc. also offers our clients application engineering and luminaire performance consultation, and complete laboratory photometer systems. We go beyond testing, inspecting and certifying products; we help customers improve performance, gain efficiencies (in manufacturing and logistics), overcome market constraints, and reduce risk. We've earned a reputation for helping our customers increase the value of their products, gain competitive advantage, and develop trusted brands.
Lighting expertise sets us apart.Light Laboratory, Inc. tests in accordance with the procedures and recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)